God has been so good to us as a family.
Even in the down times the Lord has lifted us up.
Even in the uncertain times the Lord has brought assurance of His presence.
Even in the sad times the Lord has given comfort beyond our sorrow.
Don't think of God's provision for us as an entitlement but of His blessing and goodness to us.
Don't take for granted the people that the Lord has brought into your life as one's to serve but ones to be served.
We don't know what a year may bring but we trust the One who does.
We don't know how our life journey may twist and turn but we know the One who will never leave or forsake.
Let's take time to remember what the Lord has done and not to forget all His benefits.
You are all deeply loved with the deep love of Jesus.
My heart is filled with thanksgiving for each of you and I pray God's richest blessing for all of you.
Keep an attitude of gratitude !!!